Parsons Masonic Lodge #117

Chapter of Rose Croix
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chapter Of rose croix 15th-18th degrees

Chapter of Rose Croix

The Chapter of Rose Croix attempts to provide the candidate with a deeper understanding of religion, philosophy, ethics and history though a variety of complex "historical degrees".  The intellectual challenges presented in these degrees are numerous, at times overwhelming, and can take years to master.  A thorough reading of the chapters related to them in Morals and Dogma and in  Legenda and Readings is essential to achieve even a basic comprehension of their true meaning. 

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15° - Knight of the East, of the Sword, or of the Eagle  Fidelity to obligations and perseverance of purpose under difficulties and discouragement are the lessons of this degree. The striking crimson velvet apron of this degree is edged with green, having a bleeding head above two crossed swords and a triangle (top point to the left) with three interlaced triangles inside it. The jewel is three golden concentric triangles encompassing two crossed swords. The duty is to rebuild the Masonic Temple of liberty, equality and fraternity in the souls of men.

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16° - Prince of Jerusalem  We learn of heroism of patience, the nobility of self-sacrifice and compassionate judgment; along with charity, fidelity and brotherhood. The crimson apron is edged in gold and aurora-color, with a square, shield, Delta with three YODs, balance and a hand of justice. The jewel is a mother-of-pearl lozenge with a hand holding a balance in equipoise; under it a sword with five stars surrounding the point. On the left is a Hebrew D, on the right is a Hebrew Z. The duties are to aid those who labor to build the Symbolic Temple; to judge equitably and fairly; to keep faith in the justice and beneficence of God and to press forward with hope for the persecuted and oppressed.

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17° - Knight of the East & West  The wisdom of this degree is that loyalty to God is man's primary allegiance and that temporal governments not founded upon God and His righteousness will inevitably fall. The apron is of yellow satin with crimson and gold, with a sword and Tetractys of the Tetragrammaton on it. The jewel is a heptagon of half silver and half gold, with crossed swords on a balance on the obverse and a lamb on the Book of Seven Seals on the reverse. The jewel is hung from a double order - one black (left-to-right) and one white (right-to-left), representing good versus evil. A gold coronet is also presented. The duties are to work, reflect and pray; to hope, trust and believe; to teach the truths that are hidden in allegory and concealed by the symbols of Freemasonry.

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18° - Knight Rose Croix  This degree emphasizes that life and its strength come from God. The rose signifies the dawn and the cross is a sacred symbol of antiquity in many cultures. One is also taught to be tolerant of other's errors and faults. The apron is of white leather or satin, bordered in red, with a skull and cross-bones, a red passion cross and three red rosettes. The grand jewel is a gold compass open a quarter circle. A rose-cross is between the legs of the compass and under it is a pelican, tearing its breast to feed its seven young on the obverse and an eagle with wings extended on the reverse.  On the circle are the letters I.N.R.I.  The duties are to practice virtue; to labor to eliminate vice; to purify humanity; to be tolerant of the faith and creed of others.

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