Council of Kadosh
The word "Kadosh" is a Hebrew word meaning Holy. Although Pike identifies
the Degrees of the Council of Kadosh as chivalric and philosophical, they are all intensely mystical with respect to the lessons
conveyed and symbols employed.
"Faith in moral principles, in virtue and in God is as necessary for the guidance
of a man as instinct is for the guidance of an animal." - Albert Pike |

19° - Grand Pontiff
We learn from the past and how it affects the present and the influence we live in the future in this degree. We as mortals
strive to endure, produce and improve the world as it surrounds us. There is no apron, but the jewel is a gold parallelogram
with a Greek Alpha on one side and an Omega on the other. The duties are to be content to labor for the future; to serve the
cause of truth with patience and industry; and to destroy error, falsehood and intolerance with truth, honesty, honour and
charity. |

20° - Master of the Symbolic Lodge This degree demonstrates liberty, fraternity and equality. These truths teach morals, religious and philosophical
understandings. This degree helps one to comprehend Deity, the forces of nature and good and evil. The apron is yellow bordered
in blue, with three concentric point-down triangles, with the Tetragrammaton (horizontal) and Fiat
Lux (vertical) at the center forming a cross. Its triangular shape relates to the "fourth great
light, which reminds us of the Deity and his attributes". The jewel is made of gold with the same three concentric triangles.
The duties are to dispense light and knowledge and to practice Masonic virtues. |

21° - Noachite, or Prussian Knight The lessons to be learned from this degree are that arrogance, defamation and cowardice
are unworthy attributes of a Mason; and that humility, modesty and courtesy are the true virtues of men and Masons. The
apron is yellow and contains an arm holding a sword, a winged figure holding a key in the left hand and the right forefinger
on the lips (the Egyptian figure of silence). The jewel can be described as a point-up triangle, with an arrow, point
downward, an arm holding a sword and the motto "Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelum". The duties are humility, modesty, trust in God and to be steadfast and courageous in the
face of adversity. |

22° - Knight Royal Axe, Prince of Libanus This degree emphasizes work ethics. By doing good work we improve character and
become better citizens. The apron of this degree is white, bordered in purple, and contains a three-headed serpent and a table
with instruments and plans on it. The jewel is an axe and handle of gold. On the top of the handle are the initials
of Noah and Solomon. In the middle of the handle are the initials of Libanus and Tsidun. On
the blade are the initials of Adoniram, Cyrus, Darius, Zerubbabel, Nehemiah
and Ezra on one side and Shem, Kham, Yapheth, Moses, Ahaliab
and Betselal on the other. The duties are to respect labor for its own sake and to do work. |

23° - Chief of the Tabernacle We learn in this degree that the man who forgets his duty to God, family, country and himself will be in danger
of moral and spiritual destruction by thoughts and unworthy ambition. The apron worn is white bordered with red, blue and
purple ribbons. These colors, from the curtains of the Tabernacle, represent earth, fire, air and sea respectively, as
well as the Lord's beneficence, glory, wisdom and power. On the apron is the golden seven-branched candlestick, representing
the seven planets and virtues; the sun, faith, and aspiration toward the infinite; the moon, hope; Venus, charity; Mars,
fortitude, "victory over rage and anger"; Mercury, prudence; Saturn, temperance; Jupiter, conqueror of the
Titans and justice. The jewel worn is a small silver censer, or ornamented cup, held by a handle in the shape of an open
hand. The duties are to be devoted to the service of God; to constantly endeavor to promote the welfare of man; to act with
proper subordination to your superiors. |

24° - Prince of the Tabernacle
A Mason must show evidence of compassion, piety and justice in this degree. After initiation
he may "manifest faithfully the social virtues in order to receive the rewards", to serve humanity through our brotherhood. The
apron is of white lambskin with scarlet green and blue. On it is a violet myrtle tree and a gold representation of an
Arabian tent. The jewel worn is the Hebrew letter ALEPH, suspended from a violet ribbon. The duties are to labor incessantly
for the glory of God, the honor of your country and the happiness of your brethren. |

25° - Knight of the Brazen Serpent This degree attempts to explain the conceptualities of celestial purity and the eternal soul of man. The apprentice
is driven to look within his faith, life and God to get a clear look at his inner self. The apron is white, lined in
black with gold stars on the white side (Pleiades, Hyades, Orion, Capella)
and with silver stars on the black side (Perseus, Scorpio, Bootes). Also
on it is a serpent (ouroboros) surrounding a scarab, a triangle in a glory with the Tetragrammaton
in its center and the four initials of the stars Regulus, Aldebaran, Antares and Fomalhaut. The
jewel is a gold tau cross (crux ansata) with a serpent entwined around
it and the Hebrew words HLThI (he has suffered or been wounded) and NChShThN
(the Brazen Serpent) on it. The duty is to fulfill your destiny and to re-create yourself by reformation, repentance and enlarging
your knowledge. |

26° - Prince of Mercy, or Scottish Trinitarian In
this degree we explore for "the rewards of the trinity of Gods attributes - wisdom or intelligence, force or strength, harmony
or beauty". The apron is scarlet, bordered in white, with a green triangle (point-down) in the center. In the triangle
are the initials of force, wisdom and harmony, and a flaming heart of gold with the initials I.H.S. (Jesus Hominum
Salvator or Imperium, Harmonia, Sapientia). The
jewel is gold and is the same triangle, suspended by a purple ribbon. The duties are to practice forgiveness and mercy; tolerance;
to be devoted to the teaching of the principles of Masonry. |

27° - Knight Commander of the Temple This degree teaches the apprentice to scorn selfishness and to uphold the knightly virtues of charity, truth
and honor. We should always strive to assist the poor, helpless and infirm. The apron is of scarlet lambskin, lined in
black, with a Teutonic Cross (cross potent sable, charged with a smaller cross double potent or surcharged with the escutcheon
of the Empire, the two-headed black eagle) and a black key surrounded by a laurel wreath. The jewel is the Teutonic Cross
shown on the apron. The duties are to be a lover of wisdom and to be faithful to your promises made within Masonry. |

28° - Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept We learn in this degree that our love for God manifests itself in our love for truth, justice and nobility
of soul. The apron worn is white lambskin with a vermilion pentagram. The jewel is a gold five-pointed star. The
duties are to be devoted to truth, honour, loyalty, justice and humanity. |

- Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew The virtues taught in this degree are love of God, loyalty to superiors, faithful
adherence to promise and active resistance to unfair judgment. There is no apron. The jewel is a gold St. Andrew's cross
("X"), surmounted with a knight's helmet with a thistle of gold between the arms at the bottom. In the center of the cross
is a Hebrew YOD and on its points, clockwise from bottom, the Hebrew letters N M I N. The duties are to reverence and
obey God; to serve the truth; to protect virtue and innocence; to defend the people against tyranny. |

30° - Knight of Kadosh, or Knight of the White & Black Eagle The lesson of this degree is to be true to ourselves, to stand for what is right and
to be just in our lives today with a belief in God, country and oneself. There is no apron, but the jewel is a gold Teutonic
cross, enameled in red, with a silver double-headed eagle with wings spread pointing downward resting upon it. The duty is
to labor unceasingly for the good of mankind. |